Wash the Windshield

Keeping the view of the road ahead clear.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I've been shopping for wedding bands here and there, trying to figure out what I think I would like and what would be pretty with my engagement ring.

I'd like to think I'm a modest person.  I don't like to be "showey" or have a big giant ring to establish my status in this world.  I don't need $10k sitting on my finger to define love. 

So, i found some bands that i liked on the Shane Co website and decided to run in there real quick while I had a few minutes last week.  I wanted to put them up next to my ring to narrow my search a bit.  I took a few pictures and went on my way.

When I showed Joe which ones i'd looked at, I let him know that they were rather inexpensive and I was just trying to be modest and respectful of the fact that we are buying a house and will be spending money with moving, etc.

Joe described the fact that he'd purchased my solitaire with a "wrap" in mind for the wedding band.  He envisioned a nice wrap surrounding the diamond and making it all come together in a nice looking set. 

Then He said one of the sweetest things that I'd never considered before, with regard to the cost and modesty of my ring.  He told me not to worry about the cost because it's an "heirloom".

Hmmm... an heirloom.

He was so right. 

It's not just a symbol of love  and commitment between the two of us but something that is typically cherished by those left behind when we are gone. 

What a sweet way to look at it.

So, when I shop for my wedding ring/band/wrap in the next few months, I'm going to stop thinking about saving money and getting the cheapest thing that still looks nice, but rather... searching for my heirloom. 

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