Wash the Windshield

Keeping the view of the road ahead clear.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Getting Older...

Last year, out of no where I was having terrible hip pain to the point where I could barely get out of bed and walk.  It was ridiculous.  While I didn't feel like i was "dying" i definitely felt like i was a 90 year old lady in a 29 year old body.

I made an appointment with my family doctor to talk to her about the pain.  It was just an odd deep pain like what you would picture "arthritis" feeling like.  Although i'd never experienced that type of pain before, it was almost textbook.

So, I scheduled an appointment with my family doctor.  And she ran a bunch of blood tests for random issues that i may be having.  The bloodwork returned that I had a very eleveated "RA" factor, indicating that I had Rheumatoid Arthritis.


After about a month, the symptoms went away, so i cancelled the appoint I had at that time with the Rheumatologist, thinking it was some weird fluke and that there is no reason to go to the Rheumatologist if i have no symptoms... they'll just think i'm crazy!

So a couple of months ago, the pain came back (with the cold weather), only this time it was worse in my knees and ankles.  I knew instantly what it was.  So I called the Rheumatologist again and set up an appointment.

Now, as a side note, we all know how stupid I am about not wanting an epidural when i had my kids, right?  So i compare virtually every kind of pain to childbirth.  If it isn't like childbirth, it isn't pain.


this morning I head to the Rheumatologist, despite the fact that, once again - symptoms are gone.  She does a series of "tests" via palpation on my various joints and asks if i think i'm "back to normal". 

My answer: "Yea!  I don't have pain anymore, so i think i'm fine!  I am just wanting to know if there's a prescription I can take for next time it flares up!"

She said, "first of all, you must have a high pain tolorance because you're not fine.  Your many of your joints are full and the labs they took last year indicate that you have an agressive form of the Arthritis."

I was stunned.  Because i don't think it hurts, or maybe i'm just used to it!?

So, she put me on 4 weeks of steroids to reduce the inflamation in addition to Naproxyn, a daily medication that I'll need to take to stay on top of the "disease" for the rest of my life (i guess!?!).  Then, I have to go back in 4 weeks to see if the steroids have helped.

I left there wondering how old I am!?  I felt like some sort of an old bat! 

So, anyway.  That's the  boring update on my Senior-aged health ;)

In other news, I will be traveling to New Mexico for work in a couple of weeks for a whirlwind "workshop/meeting" at our Rio Rancho facility.  While I'm not looking forward to the 2 hour time difference and less than 36 hour stay... I am definitely looking forward to seeing that part of the country.  I'm sure it will be nothing amazing and fabulous, but I've never been out west (except for Vegas one time, but that was a long time ago)... so I'm anxious to check out the good 'ol SouthWest!

Speaking of getting old, I finally got a new mattress set for my bed, and it feels like i'm sleeping on clouds!  FINALLY!  It was long over-due!

Now, I think i'm done :)


  1. My mom can be your "tour guide" thru the world of arthritis (unfortunately). She has been suffering thru it for about 6 years and just started Remicaid (probably spelling wrong) last week. But we also know a lady (about mom's age) who has had it since age 25. If you have any questions about certain treatments and stuff ever, call mom!

  2. I'm so sorry you have to deal with arthritis and pain! :(

    I'm also sad about our aging. Remember when our biggest worry was getting our French homework done?? ;)

    Congrats on the mattress!
