Wash the Windshield

Keeping the view of the road ahead clear.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Finals and Cupcakes

Let's just get things out in the open real quick, okay?

I love sweets.  And when I say love sweets, I mean that, well... yes, I could "marry them" as Bekah would say.

So, Saturday, I had an Econ final down at IUPUI.  I only missed 3 on my mid-term, so when I went to my study session the week before, I was feeling pretty confident that I would be alright on the final.

Until the instructor told us that the class average was about 52%.


So, I studied and studied.  For the most part, Economics makes sense to me and I enjoy learning about it.  Surely, I can pass the final.

I'd done pretty well in the class with homeworks and such, so even if I bombed the final, I knew I could still pass the class, however "just passing" isn't good enough for me, I want an A.

I left the final study session feeling a bit inspired, but not completely because time ran out and our prof wasn't able to give us the last 4 chapters of study information for the final.  Ugh.  But I went ahead and reviewed the info all week and decided that if I wasn't prepared by Friday, there's nothing more I would learn, so I took Friday off from Studying and enjoyed an evening with my guy for his birthday.

Saturday morning, I planned to meet a couple of my classmates on campus early to study.  On the way there, I had some extra time and was feeling very nervous.

What better to ease my worries than sweets.

I should probably preface by making a couple of side points here:

1.)I am not a worrier over my weight.  Sure, I'd love to be the 130 that my driver's license says I am.  But I'm not.  After I went on the Breast-feeding diet in 2004 and ended up at a not-so-healthy 118 pounds by the time she was 1, I decided that there is just no reason to stress about weight.  If my weight is what makes me happy, then I need to find another hobby.  Now... on the flip side, I do enjoy doing Zumba and jogging the neighborhood in the summer because it makes me feel good.  But not to lose weight.  If the pounds go away, great.  If not, that's fine too.  I am me, and if you don't like me because I have a few stretch-marks, saggy tummy skin from having 2 babies and hips that don't lie... then go find a new friend out of a magazine cuz this girl ain't her.  Got it?

2.) I'm not the type of person to run out and "lose a bunch of weight before (fill in the blank).  I'm just not.  Why starve myself or change my routine just to "look better" for whatever event is coming up.  Again, if you don't like how i look, don't come see me!

Ok, so anyway - back to the sweets and stress. 

As I was driving down I-69 to IUPUI, you will not believe it...

My car literally directed itself off the exit ramp at Exit 10 and turned left toward Olio Road.  Before I knew it, I was pulling into Pat-A-Cakes and Cookies too! 

And since I was there.... I went ahead and ordered 4 mini cupcakes and 2 cake-ball-bon-bons.

Yes I did.

And on the way to my final, Christmas confetti, extra icing and all, were landing all over my lap and the floor of my car.  There was simply no graceful way to eat the cupcakes, but I had to.  I simply had to.

Now, in my defense, I was beginning to feel a bit of a sugar coma after 2 of the cupcakes and 1 bon-bon, so I stopped.  Well, and I started to feel a bit guilty about having to purchase a new wardrobe if I continued this eating pattern.

But whatever.

I got to school, got some studying done and took the dreaded final.

All I have to say is this...

I did as crappy as I feared that I would, but I still passed the class and got the credits.  I cannot make myself sick over the grade, I can only accept what it is and move on to the next semester ready to roll.

On that note, I think I'll eat another cupcake :)

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