Wash the Windshield

Keeping the view of the road ahead clear.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The End of Summer

As this week comes to an end, it marks the near-completion of a few milestones that I'd like to review.  Mostly for my benefit and perhaps for your entertainment as well.

1.) This marks the end of the last full week of summer break.  YAHOO!

  .... Wait, did i say that outloud?  In all seriousness, I am very happy to see the kids going back to school so this house can have some sort of routine back, however I'm also so thankful for this summer because it was the first summer my kids have really built some strong bonds with their friends in the neighborhood. 

 I hope that the many, many, many hours they spent with their friends will stick with them for a long time.

Along with it beign the end of summer break, I did just complete 6 more credit hours towards my degree!  Woot Woot!!  I'm just waiting on my grades to post for the classes I took so I can trot my happy rear end to the scholarship office and get my check for next semester.

Right now, I'm good with taking about 6 credit hours each semester.  I definitely don't want to sacrifice my home life and time with my kids to earn a degree that isn't going to make an immediate impact on my current job/salary/etc - however - definitely want to continue toward the ultimate goal.

I'm taking Macroeconomics and some Business Marketing Class this next semester in addition to working through the Green Belt Certification process at work for Lean Six Sigma.  The next few months should prove to be pretty awesome, considering.

Is it December yet?

2.) This week also marks the end of Summer 2011 Trailer Racing.  Yes, you read it right.  Trailer racing. 

 Let me back up. 

I think i've covered this before, but I have to say... after being raised an only child and (obviously) being a girl... the irony of me raising a little boy has been amusing, to say the least.  In the midst of a summer full of free time and full reign at the closest streets in the neighborhood, my dear son and his friends made up an immitation-racing-phenomenon called "trailer racing", dubbed after the fine Anderson Speedway Trailer Race that they host. 

Only ours was better. 

 It included ropes, strings, yarn, long pieces of anything that would stretch fro their bike seats to an object, or trailer.  Now, this racing extravaganza grew over the summer.  It started with the boys strapping sleds (yes, during our 21+ day heat wave over 90 degrees... my son and his friends were dragging sleds behind their bikes) and ended with strapping virtually anything that could be dragged down the street.  At one point, i saw buckets, laundry soap containers, crates, an old ab roller, etc flying behind the bikes down the street. 

And yes, I said Ab Roller.

You get the drift.

The good news was, all summer, i could hear my son coming down the street based upon what was 'dragging' behind his bike.  The bad news.... my kid looked like he was homeless most of the summer, dragging random things down the street.

But whatever.

So, yea-  i'm equally as sad and happy that The Great Trailer Race Championship Extravaganza 2011 is over for the summer.

3.) This week marks the beginning of 5th Grade Football.  And yes, I'm the proud owner of a 5th grader.  What the heck!?  Where has time gone?

Anyway.... the last two years, Chas was on the Green Bay Packers Team.  Now that he's moved up to 5th Grade, he's on the Buffalo Bills. 

So, naturally, I needed a Buffalo Bills t-shirt.  (I cannot ring the cow-bell without being properly dressed in my fan-attire).  So, obviously, it's a bit difficult to track down a Bills t-shirt here in Colts Country, so I hit the net.  And found a cute little vintage Buffalo Bills T-shirt!  Total Win!  I'm already trying to figure out a cute team snack item I can make to go along with the Bills.  I've always got the back-up cocoa krispie football-shaped treats I made last year, but would love to find something more 'team' appropriate. 

Wonder what the team would think if i brought all of my "bills" and handed them out.  Electric Bill to #23, Insurance Bill to #15, Cable Bill to #55, Mortgage to the Coach, etc :)

...it was worth a try.

4.) This week wil be taking me to Holiday World for the first time!  I'm super excited to be headed there with the kids and a couple of other special people... before school starts.  Although it will be a busy day, it will be nice to get away from my house for a couple of days and enjoy the company. 

And I'm wondering... in honor of our departure to Holiday World... perhaps our dear friend Elfis will make a return visit to our house.  He hasn't been back for quite some time... and with Christmas coming up in 4 months, it seems like an appropriate time to start terrorizing getting the kids acclimated to his arrival.


5.) Ah yes, this week will end with my birthday.  The big three one.  I am no longer thirty.  But thirty one. 

I am now 'experienced' at my thirties.

Does this mean I'm really a grown-up?  I mean, as if the pre-pubescent trailer-racing champion wasn't enough indication that i'm a grown-up... now i have to turn another year older!?

Instead of referring to it as 'older', i think i will stick with 'seasoned'.  You know, i've just been marinating for the last 31 years, right?  At some point, I'll be well cooked and ready to be stolen like a piece of meat.

Well, maybe not.  I don't think my analogy worked out the way I wanted it to, but who cares. 

6.) Speaking of seasoned... while my favorite Buffalo Bill (is he literally a "bill"?  I don't know the correct term here for the players, but whatever... i think i'm in a 'oh look, something shiny' mood tonight.  and judging from the fact that it's 2 am and i'm still wide awake, i think that's confirmation of my 'shiny' mood)... so where was I. 

Ah yes, while my favorite little Buffalo Bill was at practice tonight, I had a photo appointment with the cutest little girl from Ft. Wayne.  After I took her birthday pictures, I headed over to my sweet friend's house, where he had cooked me a YUMMY steak dinner with peas and corn for my birthday.  It was delicious.  And so friggen great to walk in and be fed good food that I didn't cook!  

Don't worry folks, I'm not going to get used to such behavior and 'spoiling'.. but damn it... it was good.  And such a delightful surprise.  I'm a happy girl.

...just like the fun little leopard file organizer purse and card that Eve left on my door yesterday, after I'd had a TOTALLY crappy day. (Thanks Eve!!!)

After a super crappy couple of days, it's amazing what a few of my dearest friends can do to totally turn my mood around.  I just really feel like gathering all of my favorite people into one room and giving a big giant group hug.

Life is good.


  1. I want to all be in a room and get a big group hug! 80's ladies gathering needs to be organized. Working on it now....
