Wash the Windshield

Keeping the view of the road ahead clear.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Let's be honest. 

My organizational skills are not very good pathetic.  Just downright pathetic.  I have really great intentions... but not so much on the follow through.

And I have realized that a lot of my anxiety in my house is not only due to being home all day working, but also the fact that I cannot escape the disaster that is my disorganization.

So, I bought this really awesome idea book at the Kinko's store when i was getting some things printed and have really enjoyed reading it.  It's given me some good and applicable tips as well as some that are.. well - not so realistic.

But anyway - I wanted to share with you some of my progress.  While minimal... I am feeling extremely accomplished.

First things first. 

The entryway dumpster closet.  It's like shoes, coats, hats, gloves, scarves, etc  just literally threw up everywhere.  So, i was in a house recently taking pictures and noticed their organization system in their "closet".

So, i stole the idea. 

It's a cheap little walmart over-the-door shoe holder that has all of our hats, gloves and scarves in it!  

Then, my other issue is the dreaded filing of bills.  I know I don't really need to keep them, but for some reason I'm just not ready to part with them.  Maybe it's the statistical nerd in me that wants to have them to look at trends IF i would ever want to.  Or maybe it's the pack rat in me.

But, here are 2009's bills, neatly organized by month in my drawer:

Then, here are the 2010 & 2011 bills...

Yea, not cool.  I couldn't figure out how to organize the 2009 bills in a way that made me not want to go take an entire bottle of prozac just to survive.

Until today.

I ran to the dollar store this morning to get some dishwasher detergent and ran across the exactly what i'd been looking for to solve my bill organization issues:

13 pocket folders!  YES!  12 pockets for each month of the year + a pocket for medical bills that I paid!  WOOT!!!

I'm ready to become an organizing fool!

1 comment:

  1. I love being organized, but rarely find the time to do it! I know how good it feels to make even small changes. Yay for you!
