Wash the Windshield

Keeping the view of the road ahead clear.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

For Members Only

I love old friends.

You know, the kind where - life happens, you all take different paths, but somehow, by the Grace of God ... you end up back together again...

..and it's like a decade never passed.

Those kind of friends are so, so special to me.  It's like.. they know all the history.  All the junk... you've shared secrets, major milestones, growing-up moments and still - after infinite time... love eachother just the same.

I am so lucky to have friends like that in my life.  Now that we are all transforming into Mothers (which is such a joy to watch).... we are getting together more often, sharing our lives with one another and really enjoying the richness of true friendship.

...and there's nothing like it.

A couple of weeks ago, I stopped by to see Allison  baby Rachel :) ... when her mommy and I got to talking about all of our planned gatherings during 2011.  We determined the need for a "name" for our little club.  I was honored when she asked me to use my creative powers to come up with a name.

We knew the name had to be broad enough to include some of the extended members that join us for some outings that aren't high-school-friend related.

So I thought.

And Thought.

And thought.

And pondered.

I tried to make word associations.

The hot tamales?

The sisterhood of the traveling parties?

The Pendleton Prosti.... (yea, no)

What is something we all have in common?
Yes, but that won't work.

Yes again ... but we need to be a bit more modest.


We all grew up in the 80's?  (All but 1 of us were born in the "80's".)

And we're all Ladies.



The 80's Ladies.


The 80's Ladies it is.

Watch out for the official Logo and T-shirt order form coming soon.

Now here's the deal fellas (oh, and other people that may read this).

It's not just anyone that gets inducted into The 80's Ladies group.


There are conditional special requirements.  I'm not really sure of those requirements just yet, butttttt.... they are real.  And might have something to do with an application and possibly food.

We all like food.

Well, maybe i should speak for myself.  I like food.

So, if you are reading this and you've hung out with the 80's ladies at one of their outings (make-up party, summer cookout, Christmas gift exchange, baby shower, etc)... then you are an honorary 80's Lady.

Consider it a priviledge.

If you aren't sure what the above functions are about...

Consider yourself warned.

You'll need to provide your own pen for the application.

And again, we I like food.

There are a bunch of super fun "outings" planned for this year.  Which I'm super excited about.  And i'm pretty sure we're going to need to sport our fictional t-shirts when we go on outings just so people will think we're insane someone special.

And that's that.

If you see anything relating to The 80's Ladies on the news... 

...bring bail money. 



  1. So we were almost the Pendleton Prostitutes, huh? Yeah, probabky not a good idea to put that on a t-shirt and go out in Indy... :)

  2. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR. I actually laughed out loud when I read this. LOVE IT!!! Cannot wait for us to get a logo and t-shirt designed!
