Wash the Windshield

Keeping the view of the road ahead clear.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Not A Second to Lose

I'm not sure what I was thinking when I set out in December and registered for 12 credit hours at school. 

Well, I know what i was thinking... my Associates Degree is literally within reach, so why not just finish it up right now?

I won't say it was a 'bad' idea, because I'm extremely thankful that I did, however... it was certainly a challenging decision to say the least.  I had no idea when I registered for classes that I would be getting engaged, buying a new home and everything else.  I think I'll save my current commitments for another blog post.  It should be a doosie.

Anyway - I know that an Associates Degree is just a piece of paper, and I'm really excited about finishing my Bachelors, however... it feels really good to meet one of my milestones that I created.

I always said that, when my kids are both in school, I'll go back to finish my degree.  And I did.  At the time, I set my major to a program that offered an Associates Degree because i was worried if I didn't set a some-what tangible goal, I'd get burnt out really quickly.  So, here I am... getting ready to complete my 78th credit hour toward my Bachelor's Degree and meeting all the requirements of the Associates that I pushed myself to get a couple of years ago.  

These last 2 weeks of school are absolutely killing me.  Mainly because I know that it's almost over... the last 14 weeks of my life have been nothing but juggling my day-to-day stuff along with 4 classes of homework, lectures that put me to sleep, sitting in bed at night with the computer overheating on my lap and analyzing philosophical works using different types of logic and argument forms.  It's enough to send me over the edge!

However... I'm almost there.  That's what I keep telling myself.  And i'm sure, after taking 12 credit hours this semester (which I have promised myself I will never do again) anything else I take will be no biggie, right?  If I am able to keep up the momentum I have now on staying enrolled in 6-9 credits each semester (including summer) - i should finish this Bachelor's up in about a year and a half.  

I'm hopeful.

I can assure you though, after this semester I will:

-Not care one bit more about Indiana Geology or caves.  I will never think twice about bedrock, sedimentary rock, caves, sinkholes, limestone, coal, etc.  Indiana Geology has killed me this semester and I fully intend on NEVER practicing ANY of what I have "learned".

-I will be able to effectively pose arguments using antecedents and forming hypothesis and theories in valid form.  I will also try not to commit formal fallacies when structuring any type of argument or deduction in my future.  Taking a logic class this semester was awesome - it challenged my brain in a different way, and I am going to be amazing at arguing.  HA!

-I will NEVER apply for a job where using HTML is a requirement.  I really thought I would enjoy the web design class - and it is possible that I have not gotten what I wanted to out of it because of the commitments required for some of my other classes, but I am so frustrated with HTML, that it disappoints me.  I really wanted to learn that.

-I will view people and societies differently as a result of taking Anthropology.  I have thoroughly enjoyed this class as it has taught me a great deal about other cultural norms and how many, many people are extremely ethnocentric.  It's opened my eyes to trying to help my kids understand other places in the world and how, just because we do it one way, doesn't mean we do it the RIGHT way.

Is it April 28th yet?

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