Wash the Windshield

Keeping the view of the road ahead clear.

Friday, November 16, 2012

World Peace

I'm a lover of all things hypothetical.

Especially a good plan.  A hypothetical plan that is; one that would probably never come to fruition, but the more you talk about it, the more it becomes somewhat believable and turns into a real notion of action.

So, sometimes I have ADD.  I like to blame my son's lack of focus on his dad (aren't all things perfect from me?) ... however the reality is ... i get bored really easily.

Even a 2 hour flight is just too much for me to handle.  I need to be on the move.

So, on the way to our honeymoon, I spent the entire boring flight coming up with a hypothetical plan that I'm pretty sure made Joseph want to run away marry me all over again.

I decided that I have a plan for world peace.

Yes, world peace.

And i'm pretty sure, i can put this into action.  At least that's what I believed during our flight that day.

Grab a drink, maybe a snack, put your work email away and find some rubber rain boots; it's about to get deep.

So, the Middle East struggles financially in some countries; and after being in constant turmoil with other countries, I can undersatnd why.

..But can't we all get along?

So, I'm going to travel (yes me, because i am of the highest authority and education to do so) over to the Middle East and hold a conference about how to get to the "world peace" spot. 

Many of them may not believe in Jesus, and that's fine... but I'm going to have a little "come to Jesus Allah" talk with them nonetheless.

I think we can promote world peace by increasing historical awareness in the middle east and promoting tourism.

Yes tourism.

Aren't you all itching to go tour the middle east, specifically Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, etc? 
Well, you should be.

I mean, you can visit ancient cities that have biblical connection, see the hole where Saddam was found, take a tour of Osama bin Laden's compound, enjoy the heat without fear of a shark attack in the ocean.

Yes, I just said that.

The opportunities are endless.

All of the palaces and castles or homes or whatever that rich leaders lived in can be converted into hotels.

I know you want to stay at the Hotel D'Hussein.

And seriously, aren't you dying to have your passport stamped "baghdad"?!

admit it.

So, here's where the plan really comes close to home, literally.

Indy has a nice new airport with a customs area downstairs.  We are fully equipped to maximize the title of Indianapolis International Airport.

(Yes, I'm about to 'go there')...

With maximization comes jobs.  I mean, I could hire about 5 people to 'man' the customs counter starting out.  Granted, after my plan takes off, i'd be hiring hundreds of TSA officials to handle the influx of travelers through IND, however for now, this will create some jobs. 

We will offer a direct flight from Indy to Baghdad.

I know you are all extremely excited to hop on this flight to Baghdad.   Doesn't that flight just literally sound "badass".

Kinda like, "oh, i'll be landing in LAX".  I just love the sound of that. 

..now you can say "I should land in Baghdad around 1pm local time".

On the returning flight from Baghdad to Indy, you'll be given a free shirt that simply says "Baghdaddy".

Why?  I don't know, i just think we need a group of people walking around our country wearing shirts that say 'baghdaddy'. 

Maybe not.

So, anyway - how will this promote world peace?

Well, all these anxious travelers will pass through Indy and connect for their flight to Baghdad and be prepared to spend money, sport happy faces the entire time they are touring this area and spend money in the Middle East. 

And because I know my come to allah/Jesus talk will be effective, there will be no more anger/angst/hate toward the US and they will use all of our money from tourism to line the streets with flowers and trees.

Ok, maybe those things won't grow in the desert, but still.

Long story short, this is my plan. 

Although I know you want to steal the plan, you cannot.  You can only join in and help me promote world peace.


1 comment:

  1. Love it!
    SOrry to burst your bubble babe, i read in USA TOday that Emirates is planning to move ahead with your plan. THey stole it!
